Friday, March 23, 2012


so...breaking news...i may be dealing with gluten issues!  joy!  

not going to indulge in gory details - that's just redonk!  


i admit, i'm kind of intrigued.  i've spent the last few days cleaning up my diet, and i mean cleaning up!!!

light on the dairy, light on the gluten, lots and lots of fruits and veggies, we're talking damn good clean eating right here!

(and to tell you the truth, i'm already starting to feel like a million bucks...well, not quite a million bucks...more like 500 grand?)

so today i got home and made the most bangarangin' delicious shake ever!  i even threw in some spinach for good measure.  i'm rockin' now!  here's the recipe - kind of similar to an earlier post, but with a few changes:

1 cup silk unsweetened almond milk (35 calories)
1 scoop oryx chocolate goat whey protein (70 calories)
2 tablespoons pb2 powdered peanut butter (45 calories)
1/2 cup spinach leaves (3 calories)
1 small banana (90 calories)
1/2 to 1 cup crushed ice (based on desired thickness)
total: 243 calories

add ingredients to blender (i have the blendtec, the spinach blends beautifully!) and blend until smooth.  serve immediately.

i thought about taking a pic, but by the time i realized i hadn't done so, it was gone!  oh well! 

here's to health!

--ruthie mc

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

why hello, stranger!

i really thought i'd be great at this!  kind of like a diary, but not really.  perhaps i'm not one to be too outward with everything that goes on in my life.  i guess life gets in the way and now, who can disagree with that?  

it's been one heck of a month.  i'm not sure exactly why - it's a little hard to pinpoint exactly what's made it "one heck of a month", but i'm hoping you take my word for it!

either way - i've been under the weather here and there and it's made me lose some confidence and drive.  it's probable that we all go through slumps sometimes, but i'm holding out hope that i'm on my way out!  

light training finally commenced for october's big day (a.k.a. the chicago marathon).  sometimes on those long runs i've tended to lose focus.  here's a confession for you - i'm a treadmill runner.  it's pretty pathetic that i would prefer the confines of a "hamster wheel", what have you, but i imagine that i'll break out of my shell at some point.  plus, during the long runs these days, i've had quite a bit of basketball to keep me busy!  

what has amazed me in the past few months is that i'm noticing that i can motor!  over st. patty's day weekend i joined some friends for a 5k race.  my time - the best i've ever ran...ever!  24:57!  while speed isn't a higher priority than mileage as far as marathon training is concerned, it sure as heck still puts a smile on my face!  

ok, so enough blabbing.  on to today's awesome recipe - pb2 oat n protein pancakes!  

yes!!!  i seem to dig these, but haven't shared them with anyone.  if you try them, let me know if you dig them as much as me!  

(btw, pb2 has saved my life!  at 45 calories per 2 tablespoons, calorie content in peanut butter doesn't freak me out as much!)

here's the recipe (makes about 10 large pancakes, or 5 servings, at 244 calories a serving):

2 cups old fashioned oats 
1 container (2 cups) low fat cottage cheese
4 tablespoons pb2
8 egg whites
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking powder

(you can modify this as you see fit by adding/subtracting ingredients)

in a food processor, add the oats and pulse until it resembles a flour-like substance (or use oat flour)
add the rest of the ingredients and blend until a smooth batter forms
over a non-stick frying pan or griddle on medium heat, pour 1/4 cup batter onto the cooking surface, and cook until bubbles appear on the surface.  flip with a spatula, and cook until browned on the other side. 

top with agave nectar, honey or maple syrup (maybe even some fresh fruit) and enjoy!  
(personally, i typically eat mine plain!)

enjoy!  :-)

-ruthie mc